Sun Nuclear - CT QA Solutions
Computed Tomography QA
For more than 40 years, Sun Nuclear CT QA tools have been used to ensure accurate screening, diagnosis and monitoring. From routine QA to CT Perfusion verification, we are here help you meet your CT compliance and patient safety needs.

Complete List of CT Products
CT ACR 464 Phantom

The ACR 464 CT phantom includes 4 modules that allow tests of positioning and alignment, CT number accuracy, slice thickness, low contrast detectability, image resolution, uniformity, spatial resolution, inter and intra plan distance measurement accuracy and more. This product includes a 5-year warranty.
Advanced Electron Density Phantom

Accurately Calibrate your CT for Treatment Planning
•Meets medical standards for human tissue mimicking materials: ICRU-44 and ICRP
•Expanded phantom size for wide beam systems
•Supports complete IVDT automation with patent-pending rod marker technology
•Modular and flexible, easy to align and use
Multi-Energy CT Phantom

Ensure the performance and consistency of your multi-energy scans. Features 19 inserts representing different dimensions and concentrations of iodine, calcium, blood, adipose and other materials of particular interest to Multi-Energy CT (MECT). Enables comprehensive tests of Multi-Energy CT Scanner performance
Mercury Phantom

Advanced CT Performance Assessment.
Now it's easy to characterize advanced CT features that fall outside of your routine QA program. Like Automatic Exposure Control. And Iterative Reconstruction. Plus, you can revamp your traditional tests with new metrics that enable robust and quantitative evaluation.
High-Contrast Resolution Module

The High Resolution Module enhances testing of high image frequencies by providing test patterns ranging from 2 to 32 lp/cm. The patterns are created with a patent pending technique that allows larger pattern dimensions, providing for easier visualization and more accurate automation. It can be used as a standalone, or modularly expand the 464. This product includes a 5-year warranty.
Low-Contrast Detectability Module

The Low Contrast Detectability Module enhances testing of low contrast detectability by using 3 precise contrast levels, and sizes at each contrast level ranging from 1.5 mm to 25 mm. There are multiple objects at each size and contrast (except 25 mm) for robustness vs noise and to test radial dependence. The LCD module can be used as a standalone, or modularly expand the 464. This product includes a 5-year warranty.
Slice Sensitivity and Geometric Evaluation Module

The Slice Sensitivity and Geometric Evaluation Module includes a number of tools to enhance CT image quality testing. It features a pair of wire ramps for slice thickness, 2 pairs of bead ramps, BBs for MTF, acrylic spheres for geometric accuracy, and an off-vertical wire for MTF. It can be used as a standalone, or modularly expand the 464. This product includes a 5-year warranty
Uniformity Module

The Uniformity Image Quality Module can be used for measurements of noise and uniformity, as well as for metrics like MTF, NPS. It includes 2 BBs for measurement of distance and pixel size. The Uniformity Module can be used in conjunction with other image quality modules and/or the 464 ACR CT Phantom. The Uniformity Module can also function as an extension plate for CT and CBCT system with wide-angle detectors. This product includes a 5-year warranty.
CT Electron Density Phantom
Product discontinued July 2022 - Please click here for equivalent product offering.

This electron density phantom is used to provide accurate corrections for tissue inhomogeneities and to establish the relationship between the electron density of various tissues and their corresponding CT numbers. The Phantom consists of a Solid Water disk approximately the size of an average pelvis with 16 ports for interchangeable density inserts. It also includes 16 density rods representing a range of tissues. Also includes carrying case. This product includes a 5-year warranty.
CTDI Phantoms - 2 Piece

The Sun Nuclear CTDI 2-Piece Phantom easily measures absorbed dose and monitors scanner output faster and more easily than ever before. The tongue and groove design provides precise, fast module and insert placement. Includes a custom water-tight, hard case, and wedges for stabilizing the phantom on the couch. This product includes a 5-year warranty.
CTDI Phantoms - 3 Piece

The Sun Nuclear CTDI 3-Piece Phantom easily measures absorbed dose and monitors scanner output faster and more easily than ever before. The tongue and groove design provides precise, fast module and insert placement. The 3-pieces can be used together to simulate adult head and body, or the 2 inner pieces can be used to simulate pediatric head and body. Includes a custom water-tight, hard case, and wedges for stabilizing the phantom on the couch. This product includes a 5-year warranty.
Solid Water HE Slabs

Solid Water HE is the next generation of water-mimicking material pioneered by Sun Nuclear. Our patented technology more accurately mimics true water within 0.5% for therapeutic and diagnostic energies. Enhanced uniformity and reduced variation compared to other water-mimicking formulations, more consistent and accurate results. Includes unique Nanosphere technology that provides high strength and water equivalence. Slabs are available at varying thicknesses: 1 at 0.1 cm, 2 at 0.3 cm, 1 at 0.5 cm, and 29 at 1.0 cm. All of the Solid Water HE Slabs include a 5-year warranty.
CT Perfusion Phantom

The CT Perfusion Phantom is designed to mimic the injection of a contrast bolus into a region of interest allowing you to generate precise time-attenuation curves (TAC), of differing velocities, to better monitor your CT Perfusion program, and patients. Once you benchmark perfusion rates and TACs for each system using the phantom, you will be better positioned to know if future measurements show a true change, or if follow-up results are within the precision error of the measurements. Use the dose port to optimize imaging and perfusion protocols and results at the lowest possible dose.
CT ACR 464 Phantom Stand

This is the stand for the ACR 464 CT Accreditation Phantom. This product includes a 5-year warranty.
CT ACR 464 Phantom Extensions

The ACR 464 extension plates improve the calibrations of widebeam CT and CBCT systems. The water-equivalent extension plates lengthen the phantom in the sup/inf direction to collect scatter from the wide field. This kit comes with two (2) extension plates and an adjustable stand. This product includes a 5-year warranty.
CT ACR 464 Phantom Body Ring

Extends the diameter of the ACR 464 CT Phantom to represent a human torso. It is 33.0 cm wide, 26.4 cm high, and accommodates the ACR phantom inside. The body ring enables performance testing for larger FOV images. This product includes a 5-year warranty.
Cloth case for 464 Phantom

A lightweight cloth case for carrying the ACR 464 CT Phantom. This product includes a 1-year warranty.
Soft Case for Extension Plates and Adjustable Stand for 464 Phantom

Soft case that holds the extension plates and adjustable stand that are used with the 464 phantom. This product includes a 1-year warranty.
Soft Case for 464 Phantom, Stand, and Extender Plates

Soft Case for 464 Phantom, Stand, and Extender Plates. This product includes a 1-year warranty.
CT Electron Density Stainless Steel / Titanium / Aluminum Inserts

Stainless steel insert for the CT Electron Density Phantom to represent high Z materials. This insert may also be used to classify stainless steel in the CT Dual Energy Phantom. This product includes a 5-year warranty.
Titanium insert for the CT Electron Density Phantom to represent high Z materials. This insert may also be used to classify titanium in the CT Dual Energy Phantom. This product includes a 5-year warranty.
Aluminum insert for the CT Electron Density Phantom to represent high Z materials. This insert may also be used to classify aluminum in the CT Dual Energy Phantom. This product includes a 5-year warranty.
Advanced Electron Density Phantom Stainless Steel / Titanium / Aluminum Inserts

All the above products include a 5-year warranty.
Lung CT Reference Phantom

The Sun Nuclear Lung CT Reference Phantom, Model 621, is an easy-to-use device that will provide a CT number reference in the range of common lung disorders. The phantom can be scanned with a patient and consists of an acrylic shell that houses four reference sections. Each section is comprised of a specific density foam that when scanned will yield a CT number unique to that section. This product includes a 5-year warranty.
Tomographic Test Tool

The Tomographic Test Tool consists of a set of acrylic disks, 9 cm in diameter, containing inserts that test the performance of a CT scanner including: slice location, slice thickness, resolution of the scan plan, exposure uniformity, and beam path. This product includes a 5-year warranty.